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Our Obligations

Articles of Incorporation: 


Liberia - Australia Relationship Network INC.
We, the undersigned, for the purpose of forming a non -for-profit Corporation pursuant to the Liberian Code of Laws; Revised, Volume II, Title Five (5), Association Law do hereby make, subscribe to acknowledge, and file into the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia, this instrument for the purpose as follows:-

Article I – Official Name

The name of the Organization hereinafter referred to as "(Corporation)" shall be, and the same is Liberia – Australia Relationship Network Inc.

Article II – Aims and Objectives

The general nature of the business to be undertaken and performed by the Corporation and the purposes for which this Corporation is formed are as follows:-

1. Organize academic seminars, conferences, symposia, or fora with individual researchers, think-tankers, academics, development agencies, and partner organizations to encourage knowledge-sharing and culture exchange initiatives in Liberia;

2. To partner with universities and community colleges in Liberia to promote cultural and academic research in Liberia and provide capacity-building and training services to college students and faculties in the areas of research and publications;

3. To establish linkages that promote Australia-Liberia Relations educational activities businesses undertakings and cultural initiatives.

4. To promote education between Liberia and Australia via increased cultural awareness and knowledge sharing;

5. To facilitate diplomatic relations and promote trade between Liberia and Australia;

6. To serve as a vehicle for Australian soft power in Liberia by identifying and implementing novel projects with support from the Australian government, non-governmental and private organizations, universities, and businesses;

7. To support scholarship and alumni programs thereby advancing the pride, spirit, and tradition of Australian scholarship and education;

8. To develop the skills and intellects of Liberian children and youth for future challenges;
9. To provide equal opportunities for all youth, irrespective of sex, status, religion, creed, and ethnic background;
10. To engage in youth-based programs such as educational activities, peacebuilding, sports, and recreation activities;
11. To create awareness of basic healthy lifestyle through health services and health education;
12. To solicit volunteered professional services such as doctors, nurses, engineers, and other professionals, to donate time, money, and other resources for the realization of the vision of the Organization;
13. To support youths in schools by helping to provide students with resources such as textbooks, manuals, workbooks, and materials;
14. To engage in sustainable educational development programs through innovation, research, and publication;
15. To promote and encourage academic competition amongst students in schools through scholarships for the purpose of enhancing academic excellence;
16. To engage in all other activities as may be permitted by the Corporate Law of the Republic of Liberia and for which a corporation may be formed as provided for under the Association and Corporate Law of the Republic of Liberia;
17. To make, enter into and carry out any arrangement with any person or public authority to obtain from there by purchase, lease assignment, or otherwise acquire by transfer of any power, rights, privileges, immunities, franchises, guarantees, grants, concession, to acquire, hold, own, exercise, exploit, dispose of and realize upon same, and to undertake and prosecute any business dependent thereon, provided it is such a business as this Corporation may engage in.

Article III - Registered Address

The Domicile and Registered Agent of the Organization shall be Mr. George Jerue, of 11 Edgware St Thornhill Park VIC 3335.
Its Registered Agent at such address shall be Mr. George Jerue Cell: # +61 0435135224


Article IV- Life of the Corporation

The Corporation shall have perpetual life and succession and shall have the power to contract, sue, and be sued.

Article V – Incorporators

The names and Addresses of the Incorporators of these Articles of Incorporation are as follows: -
Mr. George Jerue, Managing Director, P O Box 16036, Collins St West, Melbourne VIC 8007
Mr. Varmah Dulleh, D/ty. Director, P O Box 16036, Collins St West, Melbourne VIC 8007
Mr. Perry Pewee, Business & Finance Manager, P O Box 16036, Collins St West, Melbourne VIC 8007


Article: VI - Board of Directors

The Corporation shall have initial members of the Board of Directors who shall be authorized to formulate policies, evaluate and facilitate the smooth operation of the Corporation; they shall arrange emergency meetings as it may deem necessary, in the interest of the Corporation. Shall be composed of not less than seven (7) members, subject to the revision of these Articles of Incorporation.

Article VII: Amendment

The Organization reserves the right to amend, alter, change, or repeal any provision contained herein in these Articles of Incorporation in a manner how and hereafter prescribed by the Liberian Business Association Law. All rights conferred upon the Organization herein are granted subject to this reservation.

Article VIII: Execution of Power

The Corporation shall have the power now and hereafter to execute all power and duties herein assigned.
a. To act as implementing partner to other local and international non-governmental organizations.
b. To receive property by device or bequest and otherwise acquire and hold all property, real or personal, including bonds and security of other corporations, care for, invest in and operate the real and personal property.
c. To act as trustee under any trust incidental to the property objectives of the corporation, receive, hold, administer, and extend funds and property, subject to such confidence.
d. To do all and everything legally necessary, suitable or proper for the accomplishment of any of these purposes, the attainment of any of the objectives or in furtherance of any of the powers herein-above set forth either alone or in connection with other corporation, firm or individuals either as principles or things incidental to the growing out of or connected with the aforesaid objectives, purposes or powers or any of them.


Article IX: Corporate Existence

The corporate existence of the Corporation shall commence as of the date of filing of these Articles of Incorporation in the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia;

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About Us:

The Liberia-Australia Relationship Network (LARN) is a dynamic platform fostering and strengthening the bilateral ties between Liberia and Australia. LARN promotes cultural exchanges, economic collaboration, and knowledge sharing between the two nations. Through various initiatives, such as business forums, educational programs, and diplomatic dialogues, LARN facilitates partnerships and mutual understanding. By engaging stakeholders from government, academia, and civil society, LARN works tirelessly to enhance cooperation, foster development, and build enduring relationships that benefit both Liberia and Australia

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Phones:   +61 469 047431,

                +61 435135224






Address:  P O Box 16036 Collins Street

                Melbourne VIC 8007


ABN:  61 150 671 007

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